Resilient: Becoming Faithful in an Upside Down World

posted by Brenton Banko | Apr 8, 2022


Luke 1:26-38

Imagine the emotions Mary must have experienced as she was told that she would be the one to birth the Messiah, the Son of the Most High! She was already apprehensive at the angel’s appearance, and now that feeling must have increased tenfold. This young woman was to be the mother of the promised and anticipated king of Israel. What were the thoughts that raced through her mind? She doesn’t know how this will come to happen, but the angel recognizes her doubt. He finishes their conversation with a single phrase: “For the word of God will never fail.” Mary did not fully comprehend what the angel was explaining, however, she was able to hold onto this statement. This passage forces us to ask the question: In moments of doubt, what do we hold on to for truth? Do we truly believe that nothing is impossible with God?

In the midst of our own confusion and questions, who or what do we turn to?

What moments in our past can we revisit to remind us that God is working even when we don’t understand how?